Progress DashboardProgress Summary (Oct 23 - Nov 12)
Completes Progress:
- Final target: 13,223 (per budget)
Overall project target number
- Expected progress (at 119.1/day x 21 days): 2502
Target number we should have reached by now (daily target × days elapsed)
- Current total: 261
Actual cumulative number achieved so far
- Current achievement rate: 10.4%
Achievement rate for current period (current total / expected progress)
- Progress to final target: 2.0%
Progress percentage towards final target (current total / final target)
- Current daily average: 9.7 completes/day
Average daily rate calculated using linear regression
- Gap from daily target: 109.4 completes/day
Difference between target daily rate and current daily rate
- Required catch-up rate: 144.0 completes/day
Daily rate needed from now to reach final target by deadline
Eligibles Progress:
- Final target: 2,729 (per budget)
Overall project target number
- Expected progress (at 24.6/day x 21 days): 516
Target number we should have reached by now (daily target × days elapsed)
- Current total: 57
Actual cumulative number achieved so far
- Current achievement rate: 11.0%
Achievement rate for current period (current total / expected progress)
- Progress to final target: 2.1%
Progress percentage towards final target (current total / final target)
- Current daily average: 2.2 eligibles/day
Average daily rate calculated using linear regression
- Gap from daily target: 22.4 eligibles/day
Difference between target daily rate and current daily rate
- Required catch-up rate: 29.7 eligibles/day
Daily rate needed from now to reach final target by deadline
Trend Projection Note:
- Projections (dashed lines) are based on all data from Oct 23 to Nov 12
- Recent daily rate changes may not be fully reflected in the long-term projection